Business /

Nature of Business - the second section

@February 18, 2019

This is an introduction chapter/section of balabala tutorial, you may write some background info here as a topic opening. This paragraph is also abstracted by category page, and showed in the tutorial card.

This is the second paragraph of the first section of tutorial. You may need to intentionally seperate the excerpt content with the rest of part, to achieve this, you can add a notation markup in one line alone like this:

<!-- end -->

Here we use 6 grave accent symbols to wrap the markup in order to render a highlight effect in your browser. Actualy, we just write it in like line 26 does. In User Guide page I will explain why we use .md file to organize content, and what's advantages it have.

Here, we come to the end of sample to the tutorial section, starting from this, you can write your own meaningfull content in this .md file.

Enjoy writing, and enjoy your own e-learning system!